Yellow represents so many things. On the positive side, it represents happiness, clarity, enlightenment, energy, courage, self-confidence...things that recently, I’ve felt like I’ve lacked. When the first announcement was made about the self-shot contest I was hesitant. Even though I’ve submitted self-shot sets to SG before, I wasn’t feeling my best mentally or physically. I questioned a lot of things, felt horrible about my body, carried a lot of sadness for reasons I couldn’t comprehend. I’ve been in an unhappy place and finding a way out of that hole has been hell. However, the love and support of my friends and family guided me towards my clarity. Once I decided I absolutely was up for the challenge I chose an outfit I thought would be cheerful and paired that with some beautiful fresh flowers. But I started to realize more and more how powerful these things became in my mind and slowly the fog started to lift. We all struggle from time to time but that doesn’t mean you’re alone, that you can’t overcome, that you’re weak. Find your yellow like I found mine and make sure to spread some love and kindness because you never know how those actions might lift someone up.niffler
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