yeseniaThunder beckons. Electricity fills the air, enticing me. Heavy clouds swirl in the heavens, Dancing with kingly might. My head tilts back; Arms spread wide. Gusting winds pull at my clothes, Tossing and tugging my hair with their playful flight. The first droplets fall from the sky, Bursting apart on my skin. Flashing lightning illuminates the blackened landscape, The joyous booming vibrations following in its wake. Reverberations penetrate deep into my being, The ferocity of the tempest increasing. Raindrops beat a heavy cadence against my body. Rivulets of water stream over me, Fluidly caressing my skin. Sweet and gentle as a whisper, They oppose the weighted pounding of the rain. I revel in the storm. Power crackles in the air; A jubilant yell tears from my throat, Intertwining with the resounding music of the tempest. Here is my bliss; Elation, delight, and wonder. I am, and ever shall I be; Storm Chaser. Poem written by a girl named Storm Chaser <3 A fellow stormy. [/blockquote] [container style="text-align:center;"][the_ad_group id="9502"][/container] [tab_nav type="two-up"] [tab_nav_item title="Info" active="true"] [tab_nav_item title="yesenia" active=""] [/tab_nav] [tabs] [tab active="true"] [x_image type="thumbnail" style="max-width:350px" float="left" src="https://img.sgnow.to/uploads/2016/07/Yesenia-Stormy-Thumbnails.webp" link="true" info="tooltip" info_place="bottom" info_trigger="hover"] [custom_headline type="left" level="h6" looks_like="h6" accent="true"]File Name[/custom_headline] N/A
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