Play with me in the highlights and shadows on this starry night
Once upon a time
eurekafaye"That's when you know you've found somebody really special. When you can just shut the f*ck up for a minute and comfortably share silence."
eurekafayeYou spin me 'round baby
l'art pour l'art
eurekafayeSoaking up the beauty in this hundred year old Historical House in Old Town. I danced all night long on the creaky wood floor beneath my feet. TommyEureka captured this set so beautifully. I love seeing our growth with each set. Big thank you to Wende for helping me name this set! Hope you enjoy!
Spirit Molecule
eurekafayeSelf Shot Set in quarantine! Painting has been keeping me busy while at home. I am fascinated with all things that alter the mind, add in art and I am in my absolute happy place. How do you keep your pineal gland stimulated?? I really enjoyed setting up this set and sharing my art with you all, hope you enjoy! …
Black Widow
eurekafayeYou're so pretty, dripping sin
eurekafayeBlack and White Sensual Set