Pink Lotus
lovesickWith roots and petals submerged in water, the Pink Lotus blooms like no other flower.
That's What I Like
lovesick"More Bounce to the Ounce!"
Forever Pink
lovesickShe’s never going to be one of the crowd, she's with the SuicideGirls :two hearts:
Broken Rose
lovesickNautical Mile
lovesickVice and Virtue
lovesickCats, booze and weed are all I'll ever need.
Where the He(art) Lives.
lovesickJoin Lovesick Suicide in her art filled sanctuary, and enjoy the sounds of times past.
Time for Tea
lovesick, lucylovesick“Please take my hand. I give it to you as a gesture of friendship and love, and of faith freely given. I give you my hand and welcome you into my dream.” -Wonder Woman #167