A mermaid in disguise with my legs. Don't let them fool you though! I take you to my natural habitat and invite you as part of MY world! Fun Mer-fact. Dinglehopper: A common term used among the mer-people who live in the Atlantic Ocean. It refers to the human item commonly known as a fork. However, instead of using this …
Off The Rails
nevergoodbyeMental wounds still screaming Driving me insane I'm going off the rails on a crazy train!
Kitchen Clean Up
nevergoodbyeFeelin dirty after a midnight snack? What do i do? Fit myself right in the sink and clean up and get wet!
He loves me, He loves me not
nevergoodbyeAs a kid i use to play this game plucking petals from a flower hoping the last petal sealed my fate. I know now t sounds silly but with every blooming flower i though why not give it one last try 😉