writeboy says: What could be hotter than Aerie wearing a kimono and jade necklace?
Black steps
rebytDown to these steps, who could you bump into?
Summer's End
melGoose Bumps
annaleeMemories Of Love
craSqueaky Clean Fun
twitchlingFirst time on Jupiter
mariajupiter, marialauriejupiterIt's my first time on here, sharing and letting you in on what Jupiter has to offer. Hope you enjoy your stay.
La transparence des choses
marleneLove Spent
yugenBye bye blackbird
mrshydeWhite Oleander
gogoHear Me Roar
gotham"I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier."
Your cutest lifeguard
kaditoI belong to you
sunburnDiamond Eyes
sharkTo the edge Till we all get off I will take You away with me Once and for all