emmie - Sun Kissed

Sun Kissed

I have many versions of myself existing within me and I believe that they all deserve the chance to be kissed by the sun at least once… feeling the touch of the sun on the skin, the gold giving life to new ideas, thoughts and reasons. Everything and everyone deserves some beautiful kisses from the sun on our bare skin …

helainked - Don't wet the Mogwai

Don't wet the Mogwai

Step into a realm where nostalgia meets allure, as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of 'Gremlins' with this photo set as tribute. But heed this timeless advice: 'Remember, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs… never, ever feed him after midnight.'

kondo_nana - Mirage


Everyday you come home at your small apartment, after a hard day at work… Thirsty for some rest… That girl in your office, she makes you feel motivated to work… But you have a secret… You desire her so much, you can't get her out of your head… You wish you could kill this feeling, but you can't. You actually …