Satine Pristine
reaperLittle Pleasures
ferynL’arrache coeur
marleneOn ne reste pas parce qu'on aime certaines personnes ; on s'en va parce qu'on en déteste d'autres. Il n'y a que le moche qui vous fasse agir. On est lâche.
Lavander Light
jenevievemariefeeling calm and comfy in this beautiful lavander bathroom ….so relaxing ready to take a nice bubble bath.
The Peak of Fall
highunicorn_malWe took a hike on a warm fall day around Pearl Lake a reservoir sourunded by gorgeous Aspens during the Foliage in Northern Colorado.
ghostFelix the Cat
twitchlingBroken Glass
loliiTombee de la nuit
skunkyHello Bright Eyes
ivory, ivorysuicideOmar Hayyam
candymouseChilling Evening
yunnoxQuod erat demostrandum
husterfeeling fruity
milkwaiteyellow drees with pineapple
jaynamolanainnocent – or not – in white 😉
nyxanaCalypso's SG Debut