mihrimah - Rivendell


“Rivendell was the perfect house, whether you liked food or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all. Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear and sadness.” -J.R.R. Tolkien

midnight - Lilac


A freestyle set shot on a whim in the morning light of Chicago. Felt so feminine and flirty cascading around this room. I hope you can feel the energy we created this day.

zarawolf - Wolf in the Wild

Wolf in the Wild

In the heart of BC's wilderness, a scarlet beauty wanders, blending the fire of her hair with the Earth’s deepest greens. Your gaze locks with hers as she smiles at you slyly, hinting at secrets only the untamed know. Dare you venture deeper into the wild together to uncover what shared desires pulse below the surface?

emmie - Sun Kissed

Sun Kissed

I have many versions of myself existing within me and I believe that they all deserve the chance to be kissed by the sun at least once… feeling the touch of the sun on the skin, the gold giving life to new ideas, thoughts and reasons. Everything and everyone deserves some beautiful kisses from the sun on our bare skin …