After the rain, comes the sun … and what could be nicer than to be kissed b the sun's rays?
La vie en vert’
arsenicadreams in pink
lovelacebackstage show
naesBody Electric
annemarieYou’re Gonna Miss New Orleans
peneloppeWhile we were on the U.S tour with Blackheart Burlesque in fall of 2015, we had 2 days off in New Orleans. SG rented us a 200 year old house right near the French Quarter and we experienced New Orleans- SuicideGirls style.
poison heart
giihPink Flamingo
uynnApres le premier rendezvous
pekopekoWe don’t need no education
jokerNevoa do mar
anabuhrSunlight’s bath
tanyabatPink Matter
indigoSummer Sixteen
avianaLa Tasse Rouge
undeadAre you really focusing on the red cup? 😉
Fresh Water Pearl
sundewClumsy Kitty
succubusBon Appetite!