The Black Raven
beylaI do not think that there are people whose inner state like mine, however I can imagine such people. But I can not imagine that all the time around their heads flew invisible raven like mine…
Pool of Souls
sairynBy New Orleans' locals this pool is known as: Pool of Souls
Spirit Bomb
neptuneStrange Wilderness
anticssThe Green Room
rebeccalotusDaddy’s lil monster
wilhelminePillow Talk
feryn, yugenSugar and Spice
toxicFamiliar Taste of Poison
lockhartWe all have our vices; the things we go back to, again and again, despite knowing that in the end they'll make us unhappy. Whether they’re toxic relationships that fuck us up, mentally and physically, that we keep running back to; or addictions that we know we’ll never break. Impossible goals we set ourselves, mountains we know we’ll never climb, …
Tainted love
vikingYou needed the help of the wicked wood witch, the Jezinka. You climbed a fence made of human bones, and followed a path lit by glowing skulls. You journeyed onwards, straight ahead, through the dark dank woods, and finally you find the place were the water springs from the tree roots. "Are you here of your own free will or …
Yeezy Taught Me
zephiThe Kitchen
deucesblack lace
lovelaceL’arrache coeur
marleneOn ne reste pas parce qu'on aime certaines personnes ; on s'en va parce qu'on en déteste d'autres. Il n'y a que le moche qui vous fasse agir. On est lâche.