exolizz666 - autumn day

autumn day

Full of sensuality and delicacy, I let myself be carried away by the flash of the camera, to finally make part of what is natural about my skin.

erissa - Sk8 Me 2 Church

Sk8 Me 2 Church

"We do not want a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world" – G.K. Chesterton This set was taken at Sk8liborius in St.Louis. A church that had been turned into a skatepark. It was a fantastic time being there. Everything was beautiful. What breaks my heart is that a few days …

bahala - Sneaky link

Sneaky link

Anyone who knows this naughty girl knows that Bahala likes to share her most intimate moments with her Sneaky links, adding a strong pinch of thirst to her days with treats from her routine! Are you ready for this? What would you do if you received a spontaneous dirty selfie from this Latina with long dark hair and an overwhelming …

mistressshey - Underworld


Sumergidos en el resplandor diurno, se revela una serie fotográfica que exalta la belleza atípica. A medida que la luz natural se cuela entre las cortinas del hotel, sus reflejos juegan sobre el encaje, creando patrones enigmáticos sobre la piel tatuada de la modelo. Las sombras que se forman delinean y embellecen sus curvas, añadiendo un toque de misterio a …

juliju - follow me

follow me

Come follow me while I take some cute & sexy selfies for you, what do you think? :sparkling heart:

jhosi - Make a wish

Make a wish

When you blow out the candle on your birthday cake, you are following a tradition that dates back to ancient Greece. The Greeks believed that the smoke from the candle carried their prayers and wishes to the gods. Today, many people still make a wish before blowing out the candle, hoping that it will come true. Some people also believe …