zarawolf - Surrender


It's just you and me now. I can feel the weight of your gaze as I undress. You can feel it too- the way I slowly surrender, inch by inch, until there's nothing left between us but the air that thickens with each breath we take. Now, you're the one in complete control. How will you make me yours?

biatrois - Stay Wild

Stay Wild

:leaf fluttering in wind: Keep your focus on me, I'll show you everything I've learned about being wild :black heart:

poisonn - Taste of Sin

Taste of Sin

Today’s menu isn’t written in any recipe book. Every movement I make in this little kitchen serves up a new temptation. On the edge of sin, the game between the allowed and the forbidden feels utterly irresistible

sprite - Cattails


“Violet's eyes, Violet plays Going back home to the Great Lakes Where the cattail sways With the lonesome loon”